Dataman Mission and Goals
Mission: The Essence of Our Business
Dataman are an organisation of dedicated professionals committed to building a distinctive brand known for excellence in developing, manufacturing, supporting, and supplying high quality, well designed test and measurement products and technologies to our customers.
Dataman offer a full range of device programmers, which include Universal Programmers, Specialised Programmers, Gang Programmers designed to meet all customers needs and programming requirements.
Dataman also offer PC-based validators designed for calculating CRC-32 and SHA-1 signatures.
Dataman’s aim is to earn respect and esteem as a leader in the industry for providing test and measurement solutions and to have continuous growth in the range of products and technologies offered.
What We Seek to Achieve
Governance: Adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance by establishing processes and practices that promote and ensure integrity, compliance and accountability.
Customers: Working in partnership with our clients, Dataman provide the highest quality of service to our clients and provide test and measurement solutions across global markets.